Discover our APIs with Postman


Postman is an application designed to help with API integrations and exploration. This is the tool of choice for both experienced developers and no-code enthusiasts to get familiar with our available endpoints, requests, and responses.

Using our Ledger Enteprise Discovery Postman Collection, you can start testing our API before you need write a single line of code.

Install Postman

Download and install the Postman app or use Postman online.

Import Ledger Enterprise Discovery Collection

Use the following button to copy our discovery collection into your Postman.

Run in Postman

Setup the API Environment

The Ledger Enterprise Discovery Collection comes with a template environment.

Start by selecting No Environment and then choose Ledger Enterprise Environment in the top right corner.

Then, on the environment section in the left, navigate to Ledger Enterprise Environment and edit the following fields in the current value column :

  • URL with your workspace url followed at the end by : /lam
  • API_USER_NAME with your api user name. You can create one or use one that has been shared with you to explore with the API.
  • X-Ledger-API-Key with the API key you generated for your workspace or the one shared with you to explorer the API.

The result will look similar to the following screen:

Postman Environment

Make sure you click Persist All and Save at the top. Now you should be good to go.

Making your first request

  1. Validate your setup using the /_health endpoints, you can find them under Reporting > GET _Health

    An HTTP-200 "OK" response will be shown upon a successful API call.

        "api_gateway": {
            "minivault": {
                "success": true
            "success": true
        "success": true
  2. The first API you will call is Search Acccounts , which will retrieve all workspace accounts.

    An HTTP-200 "OK" response will be shown upon a successful API call.

What's next ?

Check out all discovery Postman examples to learn how to use the reporting and operation endpoints. Once you are ready, explore our APIs documentation.

The full postman collection will be available soon.

Copyright © Ledger Enterprise Platform 2023. All right reserved.