Overview of the Ledger Enterprise API


Navigating the complexities of crypto asset custody—particularly for institutional players—poses significant challenges and risks.

Whether it's a bank providing crypto custodial services or a high-traffic exchange, a tailored combination of expertise, technology, and infrastructure is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency, account security, and effective key management.

Unfortunately, many existing custodial platforms are hindered by insufficient systems and labor-intensive manual processes that struggle to meet these demands.

By leveraging APIs for automation, organizations can establish streamlined, end-to-end workflows and access real-time data, ultimately saving both time and resources.

With Ledger Enterprise, the market's most secure API at your disposal, you can optimize management, reduce risks, and ensure business continuity for scalable performance.

Reporting & Notifications

Utilize our reporting endpoints to query and export data on transactions (transfers, DeFi & NFT, staking), accounts (balances, addresses, governance, etc.), users, and all workspace objects (whitelists, groups, entities).

Configure notifications to monitor workspace events (incoming/outgoing transactions, account changes, governance progress, workspace object updates) and automate your workflows.

Generate Reporting API Keys to access our reporting and notifications endpoints.


Take advantage of our transaction endpoints to execute programmatic crypto transfers, automate staking operations, and interact with DeFi & NFT contracts on a large scale.

Create and register API operators for these tasks, and assign them transaction creation or approval roles within account governance rules (transfers, staking, or smart contract interactions).

Get started

Follow our developer guides

Quickstart with Postman

Download our Enteprise Discovery Postman Collection, to start testing our API before you writing a single line of code.

Start building

Explore our APIs documentation to learn how to use all our reporting and transactions endpoints.

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