Vault API (5.5)

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The Ledger Enterprise API lets you monitor your workspace, scale your crypto operations and develop integrations with external applications.

Reporting & Notifications

Use our reporting endpoints to query and export transactions (transfers, DeFi & NFT, staking), accounts (balances, addresses, governance, etc.), users, and all workspace objects (whitelists, groups, entities).

Set notifications to catch workspace events (incoming or outgoing transactions, accounts, progress in governance schemes, changes to workspace objects) and automate your workflows.

You can generate reporting API keys to access our reporting and notifications endpoints.


Use our transaction endpoints to perform programmatic crypto transfers, automate your staking operations or interact with DeFi & NFT contracts at scale.

You can create and register API operators for that purpose, and assign them transaction creation or approval roles in accounts’ governance rules (transfer, staking, or smart contract interactions).


Reporting API Keys

If you’ve generated reporting API keys you can authenticate your requests to reporting and notifications endpoints on the base URL ​​ using the below headers:

  • Header parameter name: X-Ledger-Workspace
    • Set the header value to the name of your workspace
  • Header parameter name: X-Ledger-Reporting-API-Key
    • Set the header value to the reporting API Key you wish to use

API Operators

If you’ve registered API operators, you can authenticate the requests to all endpoints exposed by the container running your LAM, using the below headers:

  • Ledger_API_User (required)
    • Username of a registered API User
    • Header parameter name: X-Ledger-API-User
    • Ledger_API_Key
      • If you've set up your API Key when initializing your LAM, you'll need to include it as a header along with the api user header. For more details, see step 5 of the get started documentation.
      • Header parameter name: X-Ledger-API-Key
    • Ledger_Store_Auth_Token
      • If you've set up HashiCorp Vault as an authentication service, you'll need to pass the X-Ledger-Store-Auth-Token header along with the API user header. For more details see how to set up HashiCorp Vault with the LAM.
      • Header parameter name: X-Ledger-Store-Auth-Token

Rate limitations

The Ledger Enterprise API employs a rate limiter to help maximize its stability. You can track your rate limit status via dedicated API response headers: X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining X-RateLimit-Reset, Retry-After When the rate limit is exceeded, the API will return a code 420 with rate limitation details

Note that Rate limits are specific to your API plan please get in touch with you Account Manager for more details.


When necessary we use a pagination mechanism to fetch big volumes of data when the dataset is too large. For example, let's take a look at a call on the \ /transactions endpoint:

GET /transactions?page=2&page_size=5

Here, the API is queried to return the second page of our queryset, each page containing 5 elements Here is the resulting json:

  "edges": [
      "cursor": 0,
      "node": {...}
      "cursor": 1,
      "node": {...}
      "cursor": 2,
      "node": {...}
      "cursor": 3,
      "node": {...}
      "cursor": 4,
      "node": {...}
    "page_info": {
    "count": 73,
    "has_next_page": True

There are two properties, edges and page_info, at the root level, explained in the following sections.

The edges Property

This property contains the relevant data as a JSON array. Each element of this array is an object with two properties:

  • a cursor property which is an integer equivalent to the index of the element in the current view.
  • a node property which represents the actual object being queried, in this case a Transaction type (whose schema is described in our openAPI specification).

The page_infoProperty

This property gives you the total number of objects contained in this particular queryset (count property), and allows you to know if the page you have queried is the last of a given view (has_next_page parameter).

About ordering

By default, results are sorted by creation date in descending order,newest objects being first.

We believe this makes search results more useful, but it can also be an issue when new objects are regularly added, as this could affect pagination, creating what looks like duplicates in two successive pages.

This is particularly relevant for transactions. If you were to successively fetch the first two pages of your transactions, and 20 new transactions were created between the two GET calls, then both responses would contain the exact\nsame results.

This issue can be avoided by making further use of filters (on accounts, creation date, etc.). We also recommend that you always de-duplicate by\nusing the object ids.

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