Automation Introduction

Welcome to the developer guide for automating Ledger Enterprise operations and notifications using our API. This guide is designed to provide developers with the information they need to start using our API to automate their cryptocurrency operations and receive notifications.

Our API allows developers to automate the following cryptocurrency operations:

  • Automate Transactions
  • Automate Staking
  • Automation SCI

In addition, our API also allows developers to receive notifications for the following events:

  • Transfer Activity
  • DeFi Interactions
  • Staking Interactions
  • Accounts & Balances
  • User Activity
  • Group Activity
  • Whitelist Changes
  • Entities Operations

Finally, our API also allows developers to receive notifications for the following events:

  • Crypto Transactions
  • Approval Stage
  • Changes to workspace
  • Balance changes
  • Change in workflow
  • New approval request
  • Synchronization
  • New event logs

To get started, you will need to sign up for an API key. Once you have your API key, you can start making requests to the API and receiving notifications. We have provided detailed documentation and examples to help you get started.

We hope that this guide will be helpful in automating your cryptocurrency operations and receiving notifications. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.

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